Evolution & Our Transformation 5 February 2023
How do we adjust to our new vibration of the planet?
In this world of the physical, our material world is becoming more sensitive and its vibration is becoming heightened as we move through the galaxy into a new and elevated vibrational energy. Everything is becoming more prominent and clear as we see and notice the dark and light energies and people of this planet waking up to the truth, their truth and what becomes prevalent is the vibrational match that they see and experience in their lives.
We are becoming more sensitive to matching the earth's vibration so we can exist in harmony with this world we live in. Your perspective and views on what you are seeing and experiencing will tell you exactly where you are at with your progress of change. Everything changes and nothing ever stays the same. That's part of our growth as a human and human experience. Adjustments need to be made when there is change and our physical beings are doing exactly that in order to be aligned with the new vibration of the planet. It's not a quick change, it's a slow and progressive one as we adjust on our journey through life. Awareness is key to what is happening outside of us and then we get to understand what is happening inside of us as the two need to be in harmony with one another for a smooth, sail into the future.
What can we do?
Firstly, having awareness will be the navigator of your guidance and direction, to assist in making choices and decisions in your everyday life and your future. Having a practice where you are able to become aware of your thoughts and feelings is a wonderful start. That may be a form of meditation, prayer, listening to calming music, journaling, walking in nature, having a salt / oil bath, being in the garden, whatever is you thing that brings you to the moment of reflection ad connection. Living in the now and being aware and conscious of your thoughts and feelings in each and every moment is a powerful tool and you will become stronger and more intuitive with this practice over time. Taking good care of ourselves is of high importance on all levels, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The more love we give to ourselves, the more love we give to mother earth. It starts with you and it ends with you. We are all a reflection of this planet and vice versa. We become a vibrational match and we get closer to having a loving planet and existence.
As we process change in our bodies and on all levels, we can experience aches and pains, nervousness and anxiety, illness and irrational thinking and behaviour. Keeping your body and energy maintained, clean and clear both physically and energetically will make all the difference in your ascension, growth and transformation. That can be done through healing modalities that you feel aligned with and work for you.
Daily Practice
Incorporating daily practice is a commitment to your personal and spiritual growth, health and wellbeing and I can't recommend it enough. Without this, it would be difficult to deal with the changes that are ahead of us.
In my Path of insight membership in there we practice weekly meditations, journaling our journey daily and have lots of insight calls and resources to assist us in this expansion we have ahead of us. It's a personal and spiritual development mentoring membership for all levels of growth and awareness. If you need support and guidance, some form of commitment to growth, then this is the place to be. Intuitively, we can tap into our own guidance and learn to navigate this life and world with ease and grace, love and compassion, peace and understanding.
Blessings Joanne
"People don't need to be saved or rescued.
People need knowledge of their own power and how to access it."
That's what Joanne is here to assist people with on their journey's of Intuitive growth!
Introduction to the Path Of Insight with Joanne Vassallo
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